Monday, August 31, 2009

Gone fishin'

From Enterprise
Since Keith had the day off today, he suggested that we go fishing this morning. Of course my first question was, exactly what does one wear to go fishing-since I don't think I've been fishing since a Girl Scout day camp when I was maybe 10 and hooked a fellow Girl Scout in the ear-not a good history! Apparently you wear the same kind of clothes you go camping in-good to know since we got a whole year fishing license.
From Enterprise
Wallowa Lake was pretty quiet this morning for fishing, even though we got there a little late to really catch anything. I really didn't want to to catch anything today...I was so freaked out that we were going to tip over the canoe and well, fish are kind of gross-it's not like I don't get that the point of fishing is to catch fish-I just don't really like them!
From Enterprise
When we finally saw some fish-jumping out of the water right next to us, mocking our lack of fishing skills-Keith's phone rang. Of course he's on OB call and has to go in to the hospital-NO! we just saw those fish we need to catch them (I don't like being mocked-even by fish!). Oh well, it was probably a good thing, instead of being lazy and fishing all day I came home and did school work while Keith was a work. Hopefully we go fishing again soon!

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