Friday, August 21, 2009

Ellen's first day in Enterprise...

...was yesterday!

I was hoping to blog then but I was just too exhausted. Susan and I were up at 4:30 am Ohio time (1:30 am Enterprise time) to get to the airport in Detroit, I then flew to Salt Lake City then to Lewiston Idaho where Keith and BJ picked me up! But all the flights were on time and I even got in a little early in Lewiston, so the flying wasn't too bad-just the time it took to do all the flying.

Keith, BJ, and I then had a beautiful 2 hour drive back to Enterprise, once there instead of say taking a nap, we all went to Wallowa Lake to beat the heat (it was in the 90s here yesterday!). After almost falling asleep on a bench at the lake we decided to grab dinner at the wonderful Terminal Gravity Brewing.

I finally made it to bed at about 9 pm and had almost 11 glorious hours of sleep-so now I have rejoined to the land of the living and am prepared to take in the beautiful place I will be calling home for the next few months. Where we are staying (Craig and Renee's house) has not only amazing views, but chickens, turkeys and horses. I hope to be posting tons of pics soon!


  1. Hi Ellen! Glad you made it to Enterprise safe and sound! I can't wait to see pictures. How is BJ reacting to all the farm animals? Josie is similating very well. We have a little routine down and she seems quite content. She was out of food in her dish the other morning, but she wasn't pestering me for more food into her dish (but man, was she excited when I did give her more food). Anyway, I'm still getting unpacked and getting settled in, but I'm really enjoying my new place and really appreciate all the stuff I inherited from you and Keith. I'm looking forward to more updates from you!

  2. Christine! It's so good to hear that you and Josie are getting along so well! I'm amazed about her not begging for food-maybe she just knew we would give her whatever she wanted if she cried...we were such suckers!
    BJ is doing so great! I just posted a bunch of pics of him and horses....can you believe it!
    Miss you!
