Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to spend the weekend in Enterprise

From Enterprise

First you go huckleberry picking-even though there aren't that many huckleberries left because it's near the end of the season. They're so small that they take forever to pick-but it's worth it come Sunday morning when you're eating huckleberry and walnut pancakes!
From Enterprise

Then you go to a Barn Dance/fundraiser for Wallowa Resources, where you eat great food, drink good drinks, dance, and most importantly get to pet goats! They were cheeky little bastards that kept trying drink our drinks-I think they were mostly after Keith's beer-but still they were adorable!
From Enterprise

I had to wait until Monday evening for Keith to make huckleberry cobbler, but at least the huckleberry walnut pancakes held me over until then!
From Enterprise

Yum! I'm ready for next weekend right now!

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