Monday, August 3, 2009

The only friends I get to take with me

Well here they are-my comrades for traveling.

I've got a little bit of philosophy, a few classics, some supernatural, a little bit comedy-OK-a lot of comedy!

I have to take as much of my fav author with me as possible-Christopher Moore! I've got Bloodsucking Friends: A love story and it's sequel You Suck: A love story-which I hope/expect to be a hilarious story of vampire love. I also have Island of the Sequined Love Nun-I can't go wrong if the book is as good as the title :)

I've got George Orwell's Burmese Days, Animal Farm, and 1984-I'll be reading Burmese Days for the first time and Animal Farm and 1984 for the first time in years.

I also have Raymond Chandler's The Big Chill-I recently read The Lady in the Lake for school and loved it-so I've just got to read more!

And last but not least is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance-which I have to read because Keith loved it so much and wouldn't stop talking about it-maybe at some point he'll read World War Z: An oral history of the Zombie Wars that I wouldn't stop talking about (I have a sneaking suspicion he won't).

Hopefully these last me a few months! While I'm happy to get to take these with me, I'll miss my real friends more than words can say and I wish I could take all of you with me forever!

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