Friday, August 21, 2009

BJ the farm dog!

From Enterprise

BJ is making an almost seamless (and surprising) transition from pampered city dog to tough little farm dog!

You might not be able to tell, but in the top picture there are 3 horses, a chicken, a turkey-and BJ not freaking out! He's been playing with other dogs (gasp!!) and not chasing the chickens and turkeys around-and in general he has been pretty cool with this whole change.

There is the issue of him rolling in horse poo, which I would love to say that it's hopefully only a one time thing, but if we know anything about BJ we know it's not!

I also just loaded not quite a dozen other pics in Picasa so they should be in my photostream on the right-if they're not just click on the 'View My Gallery' and they'll be there!

From Enterprise


  1. Very pastoral. I hope you guys flourish in this strange tree-less place with large mammals.
