Sunday, August 30, 2009

Welcome to Troy, Oregon! Have a nice day!

Well, it sounded like the weather in Enterprise was going to be a little chilly and rainy this weekend, so Keith and I decided to head to Troy (where it is supposed to be about 10 degrees warmer) to do a little camping.

Renee and Craig had told us about their friends Corey and Dave's land down there-that it was right by the river (the Grand Ronde), that it had a huge garden we could help ourselves to, and that it had a wood fired hot tub that we could also help ourselves to-so that's where we went.

After about an hour and half drive down a windy dirt road we were there. We immediately walked to the river-we were told about some good swimming holes-and it looked great-expect for one thing-there was a dog just hanging out in the water and BJ decided to go nuts barking so we decided to leave since we knew about another place to go swimming and where Keith could put his kayak in.

So we're driving to the other swimming hole when we notice an animal on the road-I wasn't sure what it was right away but Keith did with his "Holy shit! That's a cougar!" I whip my camera out immediately, but by the time I get the lens cap off the cougar and it's roadkill snack have completely disappeared into the trees-scary!!
From Enterprise

We finally get to the other swimming hole and Keith puts his kayak in and we plan for me to meet him at the original swimming hole in a few hours. All is good-BJ and I are chilling in the sunshine on the edge of the river when a huge crash of thunder rips through the canyon-I look to my right and see dark clouds coming my way and damn Keith isn't supposed to be back for about another half hour and I just hope he's not going to get caught in this!
From Enterprise

I run back to where we're camping so I can pick some veggies for dinner before it starts pouring and by the time I get back to the river to meet Keith it starts pouring like crazy and doesn't stop for about two hours. So we (Keith) make dinner over the fire with the thunderstorm raging and us freezing and soaked-at least we had a little bit of cover since there was an outdoor umbrella handy and some wine too :)

This morning it was a bright clear beautiful day and while Keith had breakfast cooking (Moroccan oatmeal) he also got the wood fired hot tub going. A soak in the hot tub made it a much better morning! Of course no other cougar sightings made it a pretty good morning too!
From Enterprise

We also came home with a ton of veggies and Keith is at the store now getting a couple other ingredients for ratatouille for dinner (I'm supposed to be doing homework-which I will get to in a minute...) In all I'd say it was a pretty good weekend-never a dull moment here in Eastern Oregon!

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