Friday, August 28, 2009

What a difference a week makes

Wow, I've been here a whole week already! This week has gone by so quickly, but I have gotten so much done!

So, the fun stuff: we've gone to Wallowa Lake a couple times, but honestly I haven't gone in. The first time I was way too tired and the second time the water felt freezing! But we should be getting directions soon to a kind of secret swim hole there-yay! We've only been on one short hike, but we're going camping this weekend so I'm sure that will be remedied. If it's not too hot we're going to go camping in Troy-right on the Grande Ronde river that is supposed to be very warm and fun to swim in and should be high enough for Keith to do a little kayaking. We've been to TG's a couple time (such yummy beers!) and had actually good Mexican food. I still haven't been to New York Richie's for pizza-but there is always next week!

The business side of things (if there is such a thing): I have started volunteering at both the Wallowa County Library in Enterprise and the Joseph Public Library in Joseph. There is an Enterprise City Library where I am not volunteering, but it's not for lack of trying-with emails not returned I just went to the library and stood in line to talk to the librarian for about 15 mins and just gave up-clearly they need help, but I'm not going to stand there waiting when I have other stuff to do-like school.

Ugh that's right-I have school. I have to say this is kind of getting in the way of hiking, berry picking, going to the lake, going's just a big ole wet blanket! Not that my classes this semester don't seem interesting-they do-even though I only made it to one of my classes this week because of a crazy computer glitch that wouldn't let me into class on Monday. I think with Keith having pretty much normal schedule now that he's not in residency any more he sometimes forgets that I don't have a normal least this is the last semester!!


  1. dude you are productive! volunteering already? what've they got you doing, anything interesting?

  2. Nothing too exciting yet-shelving and checking out mostly-but I was thrown into some copy cataloging of donated materials-I am SO glad I took a cataloging class so I wasn't freaked out by the MARC record!
