Thursday, August 13, 2009

Josie the Cat/co-founder of Sloth Club


This week I am not only saying good bye to Portland, I am saying goody bye to Josie-my adorable cat-who is now Christine's adorable cat.

Josie and I have been together for over 8 years. We met at a farm when she was just a baby, the runt of the litter. She wasn't like the other kittens there-she needed people. She would sleep in the pockets of our sweatshirts and constantly demanded attention. I brought her home and she decided that loved to sleep on Keith's head at night. She'd follow me from room to room and beg for food like a dog (pasta sauce is her favorite!)

Sloth Club was created shortly after Josie came home with me-it consisted of me laying on the sofa with Josie curled up on my chest/belly watching movies and reading-life doesn't get much better!

Now 8 years later Josie no longer fits in the pocket of anything since she has gone from runt size to Jabba the Hut size and now Sloth Club doesn't really exist since BJ came into our world.

Josie is going to be SO happy with Christine-I bet she's going to go back to her old self of demanding attention, people food and following Christine around her apartment.

I am going to miss Josie so much, but knowing she is in such a good home makes me so happy for her and this new part of her life.

1 comment:

  1. I know Josie is going to miss you guys so much!! I'm so happy to be able to adopt her and can't wait to spoil her with lovin'. Once Josie gets used to her new home, I imagine she'll rule the household. Once I get my computer set up, I promise to keep you updated on her and be sure to include lots of pictures. I'm sure that trying to put Josie on a diet will result in many a story...

    Ellen, I bet you are so happy to finally see your husband tonight!!

    Hope you are having a fabulous day!
