Thursday, July 30, 2009

In all their glory

Here they are, all lined up.....all the shoes I am was planning to take on the road with me-I had no idea there were so many!

It started out so innocently-I just thought that I should re-waterproof spray the shoes I'm taking with me, ya know, just to keep them looking nice longer. So I went to my closet-my already very empty closet- and there are the all shoes I haven't had the heart to packed yet. I know can't take everything in my closet but I have to keep my options open!

So, I started bringing them outside-the gym shoes, the casual flats, the dressy flats, the sandals, the one pair of heels, the super comfy shoes.....11 pairs in all! Oh wait-12! My hiking boots aren't there! OK-I know I need to pare this down, but right now I look at them and know I'll need them all, ugh packing!

Oh shoes, I'm so going to miss you!
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  1. From Babs:
    you are such a goof-miss you already!!
    just unpack some of keith's stuff to make more room for your shoes-after all they are much more important!!!

  2. From Christine:
    Omg, you are so damn cute! I love that photo. Looks like a good variety!
