Monday, July 13, 2009

And so it finally begins…

Well, at least it begins for Keith-today is his first day working at the Winding Waters Clinic in Enterprise. In only a few short weeks BJ and I will be out there too! Keith says that the fun doesn’t actually begin until I get out to Enterprise-but whateves-this is my blog so I say when it starts!
This next month won’t be very exciting for me, but it will be crazy busy-I’ll be packing up the house (so sad!) , finishing up my summer semester (only one more after this!!), finishing up my time working at the Tigard Public Library and hopefully spending some time with friends before we go our separate ways.
So what I hope for this blog is to chronicle our nomadic life style for the next year or so. Keith is already in Enterprise, I’ll be there soon. On to Winslow, AZ after that and then New Zealand for six months! After that who knows: maybe we’ll stay in New Zealand, or go to Australia for a while, or come back to Enterprise, or go somewhere else entirely….only time will tell, but we plan on having a great time while we’re figuring it out! I know this is blog is pretty plain right now-but look forward to pictures, maybe videos, and more posts-coming soon!
If you are wondering-why call your blog ‘come with me, go places’? It is a line from one of my favorite songs, Go Places, from one of my favorite bands, The New Pornographers, on the awesome album Challengers. If you’re interested check them out!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the site, Ellen! I'm thrilled to be invited along to follow your future endeavors. I know you'll have lots of fun and exciting stories to share! Christine
