Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Best girls ever!

Just home from the best bar in Multnomah Village, Journey's (geez no, they don't know me there, why do you ask....) hanging out with the best girlfriends ever ever! I am going to miss them so much!

OK-So I need to learn how to add more than one picture at a time-I'm working on it! At least I have figured out how to post pics from flickr! The girls in this pic are Shelby, Laura and myself-Charlies Angels!!

There are a few more pics that hopefully I can link to.The other pic that I wanted to post was with Christine (the other best girl ever!). I think if you click on the pic right here it will take you to the link where I have more pics-I'm learning about this too!

The pics are courtesy of Shelby Anderson

1 comment:

  1. Nice pic! So much fun to hang out with you ladies!
