Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pondering a very serious question...

I'm just back from getting my haircut and I have not been able to get a certain question on my mind: Why in the world do hairdressers style your hair all crazy and poofy after you get a haircut!??!

I give the hairdresser pic of Michelle Williams-the first picture is what I got ( I can't believe I'm posting this pic!)....poofy and full of gross product-why does this always happen.

I have about 2 inches of hair now-I don't see why my hair would need a ton of product and 15 minutes of styling with a round brush. I just don't get it-the way she styled it I couldn't tell if it was even what I wanted-I don't want to waste my time going back to get it fixed-ugh!

The second pic took maybe 5 mins-including the time it took to rinse my hair out-so much better! No more ranting for today!

1 comment:

  1. From my mom:
    Becca and I have conversations about the "pouf" the hairdressers do!! They spend more time poufing than giving a good cut-while we'd rather leave with wet hair and have a great cut! (We also talk about things like "how to break up with your hairdresser!" I think all women share these issues!!)
