Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pills for the Pups

Originally uploaded by EllenIsabel
After two nights of no sleep for either for either BJ or me, it was time to take poor BeeJeers to the vet. BJ has been up all night crying and uncomfortable from what we now know is a skin infection.

This is my first time having to give the pups pills and man is it SO much easier than giving a cat pills! I think I could just throw the pill to BJ like it's a treat and he would be excited to eat it. It takes both Keith and I holding Josie down to get down her throat and I always feel like I'm hurting her.

The vet said that BJ was the most fit, strongest Cocker that she'd ever seen-yeah we already knew he was the best dog ever!!

The pills don't seem to be working yet, but I'm sure they will soon-hopefully we'll both be sleeping tonight!

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