Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Bovine Mafia

Usually my morning starts with feeding and letting the chickens out. By itself this chore takes maybe 2 minutes-getting the feed together for the chickens and then letting them out of their coup-which is always hilarious to watch as they come spilling out all crazy.

I can't just go out and feed the chickens. When I go in the shed to get the feed, the three outdoor cats wake up and start demanding attention. Then there's JaJa, Grandma Rachel's dog (who looks kind of like a Springer Spaniel) who keeps her in a large cage out back, for fear of her running away (which I don't think she would do-whatever!) so poor JaJa is desperate for attention. Then there's the horses. I'm usually greeted by Harley and Shadow, and sometimes by Lily and Silver-and sometimes all of them at once-I'm like the horse whisperer :)

This morning we (BJ and I) were going through the usual routine of hanging out with all the animals when the neighbors cows The Bovine Mafia showed up.
From Enterprise
These cows did not seem particularly nice. The vibe I got from them was that they were not very happy I was around and they wanted me gone (and my little dog too!) OK-maybe they're just cows and I'm giving them too much credit-but you weren't there! All of these cows lined up staring with their angry faces with just a little fence separating us!
From Enterprise
Look at these guys! Can't you just hear these cows saying to each other things like "Leave the gun, take the cannolis" and "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." (Maybe I've been away from a city for too long....)
From Enterprise
Even though they look mean I bet they taste delicious...maybe Keith and I should buy half a cow from the neighbors!

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