Friday, September 11, 2009

March of the Chickens

I love letting the chickens out in the morning! Here is the calm before the storm of feathers and clucking (and quacking).
From Enterprise
And here they come!!
From Enterprise
I know what you may be asking yourself-is that a duck coming out of the chicken coup? Yes, yes it is. It looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, but it doesn't really act like a duck. It (he/she??) sleeps in the chicken coup with all the chickens, eats the chicken feed and just hangs out all day with all the chicken-does it think it's a chicken-we will never know!

This big girl is clearly not ready for her close up yet!
From Enterprise
This is not doing justice to the noise and flying feathers of dealing with the chickens in the morning-but I had to try!

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