Sunday, September 27, 2009

Party, party, party!

What a week! Not only did I have my birthday but Keith and I have had not one, not two, but three parties to go to this week-and one is being thrown just for us!

On the big ole' 3-0 we had the clinic BBQ to go to, which of course we were late to because I had archives class and was dying to get out of it the whole time! I was very surprised that right when we walked in to Liz and Nic's candles were lit on a birthday cake for me, even though almost no one there even knew me!

Then on Thursday evening we were thrown a community (recruiting) party at the Fish Trap house. Liz and Kathleen planned the party, down to hand picking who were invited. I'd say the best part of this (besides the pizza and beer) was that the about 20 people who came all sat around and told us all their favorite parts of living in Wallowa County and how much they would love us to come there to stay. I'm not sure if any where we go after this will be able to compete with what was referred to as the Holy Trinity of Wallowa County: the mountains, the community and Terminal Gravity beer!

On Saturday we went to the benefit for the hospital. It was an auction and dinner and Keith and I were among the very few younger people there. Keith said that he had never seen so many people he had seen in clinic in one place before. We were seated at a table with the Wallowa County District Attorney and her husband and family as well as Ann Hayes-who I had interviewed on the phone a few weeks before for an assignment but hadn't met in person before. The best part was that I got to dress up and wear my new necklace!

Well I don't think we have any more parties to go to since we're only going to be here for a couple more weeks... but this past week was a lot of fun!

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