Sunday, September 20, 2009

I should turn 30 more often!

Yesterday this was my facebook status: Ellen De Young is a spoiled little bitch and doesn’t care who knows it! At the time I wrote it (while Keith was making me the delicious breakfast described below) I didn't realize how true that statement was!

We are kind of officially celebrating my birthday this weekend (with some celebrations going on next weekend too), since my birthday falls on a crappy Monday-I have class all evening and then I have to go to the clinic BBQ with Keith-I'm trying to not throw a My Super Sweet Sixteen size bratty fit because I don't get to have a party for ME on MY birthday...I'm not too old for that right?! :)

We kicked off the weekend with a delicious breakfast! It was strawberry pancakes with a strawberry compote and bacon! Here is how it started (sorry this picture is kind of terrible-I was starving):

From Enterprise
And here is how it ended:

From Enterprise
Notice the empty plate to the right-it was full of scrumptious bacon-but it disappeared rather quickly!

Most of the rest of the day was spent watching football while Keith made an amazing dinner! I don't have any pics of the appetizers-prosciutto and basil wrapped dates filled with goat cheese-I have no self control when it comes to these mouth-watering bits of perfection!

Next was a salad of mixed greens topped with spicy roasted squash, lentils and goat cheese. It might sound like a strange combination, but it was marvelous!

From Enterprise
Now for the main course! Buffalo tenderloin with saffron root vegetables and a spicy mango mint sauce. The buffalo was from a local ranch that is just outside of town-fresh and yummy!

From Enterprise
Dessert was just about the richest, tastiest dessert ever! Bread pudding made with croissants, dried cranberries, dark chocolate, toasted pecans-then topped with vanilla ice cream and black currant liquior-OMG it was amazing!!!

From Enterprise
Now for presents. Keith hands me a small box saying "Please be honest with me if you don't like it, but I don't know if I can take it back..." OK I open up the little box and I love it!

From Enterprise
I couldn't believe, I don't know what I expected but I didn't expect a necklace that I could wear to the Oscars! It was made it the 1950s and is pearls with rubies, emeralds and sapphires (oh my!). I asked Keith how I'm going to get him anything as nice for his 30th-he said that I should be lavished with jewels and gifts-not him. I think I'm cool with that plan!

From Enterprise
Well, I guess I am pretty damn spoiled and if turning 30 means I'm old enough to get such amazing and unexpected gifts,then I'm all for it! I can't thank my marvelous, fabulous husband enough for such a wonderful and memorable birthday!

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