Monday, September 7, 2009

Gone fishin' II

This time we thought we did everything right!

We got up a 6 am on a chilly, cloudy morning and were out in the canoe on the lake by 6:30-the cold, windy lake.
From Enterprise
Keith did some reading about what kind of fish are in the lake-rainbow trout-and he thought we had the right lures this time to actually catch some.
From Enterprise
Again we saw fish jumping out of the water, but I was too cold to feel mocked by the fish. I was surprised that we (I) even lasted an hour! By the time we got back to shore I couldn't really feel my fingers anymore....
From Enterprise
Next time-more layer and gloves! Keith thinks we'll have better luck if we use live bait (gross!)-hopefully the third time will be the charm!

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