Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hike to Maxwell Lake

This was probably the last beautiful weekend here in Enterprise Oregon before it starts to snow and Keith wasn't on-call so we had to go hiking! We had both heard about how beautiful the hike to Maxwell Lake, so off we went!

From Enterprise
Keith, BJ and I got started up to the Lake at about 11 am. It was just getting warm and sunny-confirming that it was going to be a great day! The first couple miles weren't so bad and we were making pretty good time-and then the pain hit-after doing about 14 million lunges the day before my body was starting to mutiny and we still had about 2 miles to the Lake.

Keith starts in with his 'come on, it's not that much further'....I've heard that line about a million times before-what it really means is that we have an elevation gain of about 2000 feet in about 2 miles and by the time you get to the top you're begging for death, water, or at least the bag of BBQ chips that we brought with-and this hike was no different-but at least I made it up to the top and it was worth it!

From Enterprise
BJ was clearly feeling kind of like I was-exhausted, dirty, tired...but I could hide it a little better than the pups could!

From Enterprise
The way down wasn't bad at all! We finally made it down at about 4 pm...and we had to be clean and dressed up at the hospital benefit by 5:30-we barely made-more about that later!

From Enterprise

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