Sunday, October 4, 2009

A winter wonderland in October

After yesterday, I was kind of scared to wake up this morning and look outside.

Yesterday we woke up to a light dusting of snow on the ground, but it was in the 40s and raining-just as predicted. When we got back from the gym is was starting to snow, but it wasn't really sticking and there wasn't much accumulation. Slowly but surely then snow started to accumulate more and more.....

From Enterprise

From Enterprise
By the evening we were kind of seriously worried about losing power since this snow is SO wet and heavy...luckily we didn't, but upon waking up this morning I'm kind of surprised we didn't! These pictures are from the road to our little cabin. Downtown Joseph almost looks like a bomb went off with the number of trees and branches down (sorry no pics, it was barely above freezing and raining..I wasn't about to get out of the warm car!)

From Enterprise

From Enterprise
As I am sitting in the Sip and Surf I have heard that not only that there is an 80% of more snow tonight but also that a bunch of people did lose power up here on the lake-we did get lucky. I would also like to say that on Monday it was hot and beautiful 87 degrees here!!

Hopefully I'll be posting beautiful pictures of all the snowy mountains soon... but so far the clouds haven't let go of the mountains yet-yet!

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