Friday, October 9, 2009

A very lonely Clydesdale

Today I stopped on the side of the road to take some pictures of the mountains and this one lonely Clydesdale horse that I drive by all the time.

What I wanted was to take of picture of was this lonely horse looking off into the grey, cloudy mountains. So I started taking pictures of the mountains, working my way to towards the horse.

From Enterprise
All of the sudden the horse turns around and starts walking towards me! I'm thinking-NO! you're ruining my shot horse! Go back to the one place you are always standing in when I drive by!

From Enterprise
Of course I soon realize that the shot I had in my mind was only possible it I was 7 feet she (he?) isn't really ruining my shot-ah the drawbacks to being vertically challenged!

I couldn't believe it-this huge Clydesdale horse is walking right up to me to say hi! I felt so bad I didn't have any snacks to give her!

From Enterprise
She (I've decided it's a girl!) was so beautiful!!

From Enterprise

From Enterprise
I was just so happy to have this experience and to feel so small next to this big beautiful horse-it made my day!

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