Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Trying to find the bright side

Let's be straight, to put it lightly-Winslow is a dump. But we're here for the next two months and are going to make the best of it-hopefully.

Our double-wide looks exactly like it did on craigslist

From Arizona

From Arizona

From Arizona
There is one main thing that they didn't tell us-the trailer has non-potable water. Yup-we can't drink the water here! We have to buy big ole bottles of water-even BJ gets bottled water. Last time I stayed at a place with non-potable water was in Costa Rica-there is was kind of expected-here not so much.

Keith just informed me that while trying to find a radio station-there were 3 AM stations that simultaneously broadcasting Rush Limbaugh-great....

But good things-it is sunny, warm and pretty-as long as you don't go to town. I got some pretty good sunset shots last night. There is really nothing to do in the town so I have nothing to really distract me from all my school work-still wondering if that's a good thing.

From Arizona
Well-we're here!


  1. Look like a lil' slice of heaven! For a gun-stockpiling apocalyptic.

  2. Who I'm assuming are my neighbors....I feel like I'm living the movie the Hills Have Eyes (the original-not the remake!)
