Tuesday, October 27, 2009

If I fall asleep, will it be over?

When I started writing this blog I planned on full disclosure-and so far everything has been pretty awesome. I feel like Winslow is trying balance the universe-we just had too much fun, too many great experiences in Enterprise and Winslow is planning to bring us down a notch and it is succeeding.
From Arizona
Today Winslow looks more like a post-apocalyptic hellhole than usual. It is insanely windy and that has caused a raging dust storm. It is also getting really cold at night and we have been using the pellet stove in the dinning room to heat it-usually only turning it on the morning.
From Arizona
I had the stove on and was sitting at the dinning room table doing homework when all of the sudden smoke came pouring out of the back of the stove-now I have never used one of these stoves before and it seemed common sense to be to turn it off and unplug it and while it was probably the right thing to do if things were normal-but this is Winslow-so more horrible things have to happen. As soon as a shut it off sparks fly out of the back of it and it keeps smoking-and then the smoking gets worse and worse until the whole house is full of smoke. Keith finally gets home for lunch and figures out that the pellets at the hopper were on fire and causing all the smoke and that is was probably the force of the raging winds outside that caused that happen. Of course by the time Keith gets home, BJ and I are of the front porch so we don't breath in too much smoke-there's nothing like crying on the front porch with your lungs burning in the middle of a dust storm to ruin your day-thank you Winslow!

Now I am trying to get the overwhelming stench of smoke out of the house and clean up all the dust and dirt that blew in when we had the windows open. Oh and our landlord thinks there may be something wrong with the stove and has asked us not to use and it's supposed to snow tomorrow....


  1. Yes, quite the contrast. Winslow being not so grand as the canyon. And you have my sympathy re: the dust. My car was in a desert windstorm last summer, and there is even dirt inside the light housings.

  2. it really DOES look like a post-apocalyptic hellhole.

  3. This was my first experience with a dust storm..the dirt from it is still everywhere-even BJ's nose is now the color of the dirt here! At least we already have plans for the weekend-we are Sedona bound
