Thursday, October 22, 2009

Getting out of town!

After being back to Winslow from Illinois for about 30 seconds, we are off this weekend for adventure at the Grand Canyon! This is going to become a recurring theme of our time in Winslow-getting out of town!

While we are in town, Keith is working at North Country Healthcare and has been for about a week now-he is generally super bored by just working in the clinic and as with everything in Winslow-it's just kind of lame. The people working there keep telling him that they are recruiting him-but you wouldn't know it if they didn't keep telling him! So far I still haven't met a single person he works with, we have not been invited to anything as simple as drinks-that is not how you recruit-or maybe that is how people recruit and we just got spoiled in Enterprise.....

Ugh, oh well, I'll stop ranting! Be prepared to be inundated with more pictures of the Grand Canyon than you ever wanted to see on Monday!

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