Sunday, October 4, 2009

BJ and the Deer

BJ and I just had to go outside and play in all of this crazy snow (more about that later!). I was planning on just taking pictures of the cabin and everything covered in snow when I looked to my left and there were 8 deer!! Since none of them had antlers I'm guessing that it was 6 females and 2 babies (Bambi!)

At first BJ was just running around in the snow being his usual oblivious self, but all the deer were watching him intently.
From Enterprise
I could tell these deer were really curious about BJ, but I was shocked when one of them decided to approach BJ!
From Enterprise
Of course BJ is still oblivious....but not for long!
From Enterprise
And then another one came up to say hi.
From Enterprise
In all three of the deer came up to check out BJ-and of course he barked at all of them-and they didn't seem to be fazed by him and all his loudness at all!

I don't think he would have ever had this experience if we were still in Portland!


  1. BJ is adorable! and what the heck is with all the snow???!

  2. He had a great time and he's getting a lot more used to the deer now-just in time for us to up root him and take him to Arizona!
