Friday, December 25, 2009

New Zealand FAQ's

We have been getting a lot of questions about everything New Zealand, so I figured I'd answer some of them here!

Umm...where is New Zealand? It's in the Pacific Ocean, about 1250 miles east of Australia. The offical languages are English and Maori although English is primarily spoken. It is about the size of Colorado and has a population of a little over 4 million people (the popluation of Colorado is almost 5 million people!)

Where are you two going to be? We'll be in Alexandra in the Central Otago region of the South Island. Central Otago is New Zealand’s most inland region, also it’s hottest, coldest and driest. Central Otago has impressive mountain ranges, valleys, plains and seasonal weather, which provide opportunities for a wide range of activities such as biking, curling (yes, the most awesome winter Olympic sport), and-of course-wine tasting.

What are you guys going to be doing there? Keith will be working at the Central Medical Clinic in Alexandra.

So, Ellen-will you be working in NZ too? No, I will not! I plan on volunteering at the library and hopefully just enjoying myself (though my secret plan is to befriend a winemaker and be a volunteer taste-tester!)

When are you guys coming back? Well, our visas run out on August 2, so we'll have to leave NZ by then. Keith should be finished working at the end of July and we plan on leaving around then-but not to come back to the US. Hopefully we will go to Australia for a couple weeks-I mean how can we not!

Since we aren't there yet I don't have any pics yet-but here is a link to some pictures of the Central Otago region.

Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The end is the beginning

With only 3 days left in Winslow and having turned in my final grad school project yesterday-it seems things are ending.

When I was packing up everything in Portland I had a really hard time trying to pare down the massive amount of stuff I wanted to bring. Now I'm looking at everything differently. It's with the 'how in the world did we accumulate all this stuff' combined with the 'if I'm not going to take it to New Zealand will I still want/like/need it in 6 months' attitude that I'm coming at all the stuff now! Let's just say Goodwill is going to love us-but somehow I know we'll still be packed to the gills on the drive back to the Midwest!

Looking at stuff this way, it's hard not to notice the things that have been the best, most used things that I couldn't have done without. In no particular order, here are my MVP's of the American leg of our journey:
From Arizona
I didn't even think I brought my little teapot that Laura gave me! Actually I was pretty sure I had packed it with the kitchen stuff to be sent to storage-but I'm guessing while I was working those last days and Keith was packing the last of everything, somehow it got in the car-and I'm SO happy it did! Just as it always was while I studied in Portland, it has been with me doing homework in Enterprise and Winslow!

My super super cute pink carry-on luggage has been invaluable for all of our weekend escapes since we've been in Winslow. I don't know what I would have done without it!!

Finally-what have been the most worn pair of shoes, the super comfy go-to's: my New Balance sneakers that I have worn so much the past few months I need to get new laces for them! The runner up for shoes is, obviously, my cowboy boots.

With all this packing and cleaning out it's almost easy to forget that in 24 short days we will be leaving for New Zealand and we won't be back until August!! I am so ready and excited to begin the next leg of our adventures!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Vegas, Baby!

With grad school ending and our time in Winslow coming to a close, there was really only one way to celebrate-going to Vegas!

Keith got us an amazing deal on a room a Caesars Palace-so good that we were a little worried that the room would be about the size of a broom closet! But no, the room was amazing! I'm still not sure what my favorite part was: the rainshower shower head or the button that automatically closed the most amazing room darkening curtains ever! But we couldn't just stay in our room! On Friday night we gorged ourselves at the Paris buffet: my favs were the crepes, personal creme brulees and the mini eclairs!

Saturday I started the day the best way possible-with a massage! Derek and Kathryn got me a massage at the Flamingo as a graduation present and it was amazing! I got there a half hour early like I was supposed to and this little old German lady was showing me around their facilities, and I'm thinking-why do I care how many different kinds of steam rooms and jacuzzi's you have-I'm just getting a massage. It turns out that when you got to a spa in Vegas and get a massage, facial, whatever-you get access to all the other stuff they have to offer all day! Sweet! I only took used one of there steam rooms after the massage and didn't come back because I had some shopping to do-but had I known I would have planned my day a whole lot differently!

Saturday night we went to the MGM Grand for dinner and to see the Cirque du Soleil show KA. Dinner was pretty great, but it was the margaritas that got me into a little trouble! They were really strong and when we got to the show and the lights went down and I was sitting in my cozy chair.....well I fell asleep for a little bit! Man I'm getting old! Oh well! I did see the vast majority of the show and it was truly amazing-unlike any show I'd ever seen. I now get the hype and would highly recommend it!

Sorry no pics, sometimes what happens in Vegas......:)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Almost all work, but a little play!

After spending the bulk of Saturday sitting in our Best Western hotel room, doing the same thing I've been doing all week, working on final projects (my final, Final, FINAL! projects!!), it was time to get out!

We stopped at the Buffalo Bar & Grill to grab some dinner and watch some of the Nebraska vs. Texas game-we didn't really expect anything special. The first impression was that we had just walked into a biker party-where we had not been invited-but the waitstaff said have a seat, so we did. We had just about the best waiter ever-great suggestions for food (amazing buffalo burger!!), focused on how everything is made from scratch (amazing fries and Keith loved the cowboy beans), unexpectedly good beer selection-but mostly it was how nice the waiter was that made the meal. He shook our hands before we left-when is the last time that happened! If you find yourself in Payson, AZ you should most defiantly stop there! Ugh-now I'm hungry for that burger again!

I decided that I would not do any school work on Sunday-thank goodness!! First we went to Tonto Natural Bridge State Park, which is believed to be the largest natural travertine bridge in the world. The bridge stands 183 feet high over a 400-foot long tunnel that measures 150 feet at its widest point.

From Arizona
It had snowed a little bit this morning and it was pretty icy in the entrance of the bridge.

From Arizona
Keith had read about a hot springs that was on the way back to Winslow and after being so cold at the natural bridge, being warm sounded great-if only it was that easy! After a super bumpy 17 mile drive down in to the Verde River Canyon we were met with the below sign. At least with signs like this, you know you're at least in the right place!

From Arizona
What was supposed to just be a mile hike to the hot springs turned out to be a little more. It took us a few tries and maybe a mile or so of wandering around to find the sign that pointed us in the right direction. After scrambling over some boulders and more wandering around Keith bumped into (a surprisingly fully clothed) old man who informed us that we needed to cross the river to get to the hot springs-what!??! It was about 45 degrees outside and Keith thinks the water was also about 45! It was so cold it hurt-and turned my legs red!

From Arizona
As we got across the river, the old man was crossing to leave-so we had the whole hot springs to ourselves! The pools are all that remain of the Verde Hot Springs Hotel that burnt down in 1958.

From Arizona
The pool outside was about 98 degrees and the pool inside (well surrounded by 4 walls but no roof or door) was about 104. The walls surrounding the pool had been painted many times over.

From Arizona
Now I have to get back to business and finish the projects, I just have to get through this week!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Grand Canyon-Part Deux!

After gorging ourselves on an awesome Thanksgiving, the Grand Canyon was calling! This time we got to go to the South Rim with Kathryn, Derek, Ryan and Cole!

From Grand Canyon
The South Rim was more crowded than the North Rim, but it was still crazy beautiful! All of us had an amazing day there!!

From Grand Canyon

From Grand Canyon
We did almost lose Keith though!!

From Grand Canyon

We were hoping that it would snow a little bit in the Grand Canyon, it would be so pretty! Sadly it did not-but it did snow in Flagstaff!

From Arizona
Just about the most fun Thanksgiving weekend ever!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

The beginning of Thanksgiving weekend!

We almost had our usual Portland Thanksgiving-here in Flagstaff-the only person missing was Christine!! Ryan flew into Flagstaff from Portland and Derek and Keith dressed up to pick him up!

From Arizona
Dinner turned out great-but Kathryn just couldn't wait apparently!! There's nothing like a little pre-Thanksgiving cake!

From Arizona
Finally it was time to eat-delicious!!

From Arizona
Derek and Cole passed out after dinner!!

From Arizona
The next day we had to actually move around a little bit so Keith, Ryan and I checked out the Sunset Crater National Monument. Sunset Crater Volcano was created in a series of eruptions sometime between 1040 and 1100. There are lava flows and cinder fields at the base of Sunset Crater.

From Arizona
Tomorrow-the Grand Canyon!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Proposal

Sitting in the bottom of the Grand Canyon I was proposed to. And I said yes.

We said that we weren't going to make any decisions about where we were going to move until the drive to the Midwest from Arizona-but we just couldn't wait. We had been debating the topic for months-do we take advantage of the opportunity that came up in Juneau? Do we go back to Enterprise? Do we do something else entirely? What about just staying in New Zealand? All of this was discussed daily-pros, cons, the reality of these decisions-what to do?

Well, sitting in the bottom of the Grand Canyon at the Cottonwood Campground, Keith proposed. 'Ellen, I want to buy you land, buy you goats, buy you a house you can fix up-in Enterprise.' And I said yes.

By saying yes I kind of said no to a regular library career-but I know no one is surprised. I can't wait to see what opportunities await our time living in Wallowa County.

It is honestly so exciting to have a home to come to after we come back from New Zealand!
From Enterprise

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I think we got our money's worth!

Besides watching the Ohio State game this weekend, we had no idea what we were going to do, which made packing for the weekend kind of hard! Over a breakfast of pancakes and bacon (thanks Kathryn!!) Keith suggested that we dive down to Tuscon (about 4 hours away) to watch the University of Arizona vs the Oregon Ducks football game-sure why not! So after watching the good ole Buckeyes take care of Michigan, off we went.

After talking to a few scalpers (really-ALL you guys have seats on the 50 yard line-I don't think so!) we managed to get two tickets together which were actually kind of close to the 50 yard line and the seats came with something I could have done without-some of the most annoying Ducks fans in the world in front of us-with multiple obnoxious duck calls and all (see their heads below)!!

From Arizona
We were both wondering if it was worth all the money we spent on tickets to go to a game where we really didn't care-well we got our money's worth! Even though the Wildcats lost in double over time it was a really great game and having painfully annoying fans from the other team in front of us made it really easy to root for Arizona.

From Arizona
Sunday was a beautiful, sunny and warm day in Tuscon so we decided to check out Saguaro National Park-named for the thousands of Saguaro (pronounced Sa - WAH - ro) cacti in the area.

From Arizona
Keith clearly doesn't get that when you are being attacked by a giant cactus you're not supposed to smile!
From Arizona
Saguaros cacti have a relatively long life span and some live for more than 150 years. They take up to 75 years to develop a side arm-amazing!! Walking amongst these giant cacti and the many other kinds of cacti in the area, it was like being dropped into a Dr. Seuss book or walking around an abstract art gallery-each one is different and so absurdly shaped it's hard to believe that they were created by nature.

From Arizona

From Arizona
Oh! And there were petroglyphs too!

From Arizona
Well, for having no plans this weekend, I guess we were kind of busy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A family visit

This weekend Keith's mom was in town for a very short visit, which meant we had to make the most our the weekend and as always that meant getting out of Winslow!

We made it to Flagstaff just in time to catch the Ohio State-Iowa game at the Beaver Street Brewery (may I recommend the Railhead Red and the Beaver Street pizza if you ever find yourself there!). The Buckeyes pulled out a win in overtime-yay!! By the time the game was over we could check into our hotel-the Hotel Monte Vista whose famous guests have included everyone from Clark Gable, John Wayne and Air Supply. We stayed in the Bob Hope Suite.

From Arizona
Sunday morning was frigid so we had to find something to do inside-that something was the Museum of Northern Arizona that has exhibits relating to the Museum's four main disciplines: anthropology, biology, geology, and fine art. My favorite part was the geology of the Grand Canyon-it is just amazing how many millions of years of geologic history was just walk right by!

Since it was finally above freezing when we left the museum we decided to check out the cliff dwellings at Walnut Canyon National Monument

From Arizona
The cliff dwellings were occupied from about 1100 to 1250, by the prehistoric culture Sinagua, from the old Spanish name for the region, Sierra de Sin Agua, or “mountains without water.” I think I only expected a few cliff dwellings scattered here and there, but seemed like every time I turned around there were more dwellings!
From Arizona
From Arizona
The only good thing about Winslow-its proximity to some amazing stuff!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Being tourists!

So, we're kind of stuck in Winslow today since Keith's mom is coming to visit this weekend (aren't you all jealous that you don't get to experience Winslow first hand??), we decided to take advantage of the day by checking out the local touristy stuff that we haven't done because of our dedication to getting out of the Winslow area as fast as possible!

First stop was the Homolovi Ruins State Park. If you Google map it it looks like we could just walk to it from the double wide-but nope! We have to get on the interstate to get to it-ugh Arizona. There are a number of excavated archaeological sites there. Our first stop was the Homolovi I Site that looked like it had been filled back in with sand. The only evidence that we were on a site were all the ceramic shards and obsidian flakes all over the place.

From Arizona
The Homolovi II Site was quite a bit more interesting! It has a group of five rooms in the West Plaza and a kiva in the Central Plaza have been excavated and stabilized to show the original floor plans.
From Arizona
So, then the plan was to go the the Meteor Crater, but the dropping temps, crazy strong winds and seriously ominous looking clouds convinced us otherwise!!

From Arizona
So of course that meant we had to go shopping!

From Arizona
We have driven by this tourist trap so many times that today seemed like a great time to stop and while it was just kind of junky I loved the kitschy mural!

From Arizona
Wine and chicken mole poblano waiting for me-gotta go!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My tiny little world

At the request of my fans-and by fans I mean my mom-here is a view into my world in Winslow-it is very small!

During the roughly 22 hours a day I spend in the double-wide, I spend most of that time right here:

From Arizona
It is so weird to spend so much time inside, in this one place!! I try to be diligent about homework and working ahead so I don't feel guilty about not doing any work at all on the weekend and the SUPER slow internet here makes it really hard to slack off....all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy-whoa snap out of it!

Here is our living room (nope, I didn't clean to take these pics!). Can you find the dog in this picture? If not-look for the socks on the floor and you'll be really close!

From Arizona
Yes, Mom-we have a real stove.

From Arizona
Here is a view of our closest neighbors and a look at the luxurious Five Mountain Estates-which I guess is kind of a up-scale trailer park where you can have horses (which I did not know existed)

From Arizona

From Arizona
37 days and counting-visiting the Midwest in the winter never looked so good!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A little different kind of adventure!

This weekend instead of hiking adventures, we spent the weekend in Flagstaff a little differently than usual-babysitting a nine month old and going shooting!

We spent the weekend at Derek and Kathryn's place the way we usually do-watching football and eating delicious food that Keith made us! On Saturday night, Keith and I watched Cole so Derek and Kathryn could have a night out. Since Cole is pretty much the best and cutest baby in the whole world, there are really no horror stories!
From Arizona
I have to say babysitting is a lot more fun to do as an adult when you actually like the kid, then when you're 13 and just need a some money to go to the movies!
From Arizona
On Sunday, since the Bears were getting massacred by the Cardinals, we decided to go shooting! I had never even held a gun before-this was awesome!
From Arizona
We shot 22's, handguns, and a rifle.
From Arizona
From Arizona
Yes, I am a bad ass!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sedona: Land of Red Rocks and Tourists

This weekend escape our from Winslow was Sedona, where we did a little hiking, wine tasting and a lot of eating!

It was too early to check into our hotel when we got to Sedona, so (big surprise here!) we went for a little hike.The main highlight (although I'm not sure that's the right word for it) was BJ being the luckiest puppy in the whole wide world-let me explain.

From Arizona
After a couple minutes on the trail we heard some movement in the woods-my immediate thought of Bear!! was wrong but it was a HUGE skunk-needless to say we got the heck out of it's way and oblivious BJ had no idea what was going on. We round the next bend and what's there-another HUGE skunk and this time BJ notices it and takes off running after it-oh dear lord NO! We try to call him back but he keeps pursuing. Keith realizes that he needs to just go drag BJ away from the skunk, by the time Keith pulls BJ away BJ has had his nose directly in the skunks butt and made it away without being sprayed! My only guess is that the skunk was having a confused Pepe Le Lew moment and thought this stinky black thing must just be an amorous skunk-and I'm sorry there are no pics I couldn't get a shot of two black animals running around in the woods (Keith is very disappointed by this!)!

Sedona is very beautiful and has some great restaurants, but it is also full of old people tourists so we did what we could to stay out of the downtown area. We were planning of spending Saturday wine tasting, but our day didn't last as long as we thought it would. The first place we went to Page Springs Vineyard had some really great wines but kind of a weird set up-at least for us Oregonians- for $ 10 ($10 !?!?!) we got to taste a preselected flight of five wines (they had a number of flights-no mixing and matching) and while they were good and we did buy a bottle it would have been a massive amount more fun and we probably would have bought more wine if we got to pick what we tasted and didn't have a ridiculous fee that was not refunded with the purchase of a bottle (unheard of in Oregon!). The second place we went to was Oak Creek Vineyard-this place was a little better at only $5 for 4 tastes and the wine was surprisingly really great. The third place was Javelina Leap Vineyard-all we needed to see what 4 tastes for $12 before we walked out-do these people think this is Napa-it's Arizona!!

What to do for the rest of the day? Go to Jerome, AZ "the largest ghost town in America"-on Halloween:)

From Arizona
It was really just a cute (and of course touristy) little town and unfortunately there were no encounters with ghosts-although if we ever go back we should stay at the Jerome Grand Hotel that is obviously haunted and you can get the ghost hunting hotel package-awesome!!

Since Sunday is 'Punishing Hike Day' for our little clan, we were on our way up Wilson Mountain right after breakfast. It was a hot and beautiful day and the hike promised great views of Sedona and the surrounding areas and it did not disappoint!
From Arizona

From Arizona

From Arizona
It was such a pretty day, but the hike was pretty hard, so we had to take lots of breaks in the shade-which BJ did not mind at all!

From Arizona
BJ and I both need a nap!