Monday, December 14, 2009

Vegas, Baby!

With grad school ending and our time in Winslow coming to a close, there was really only one way to celebrate-going to Vegas!

Keith got us an amazing deal on a room a Caesars Palace-so good that we were a little worried that the room would be about the size of a broom closet! But no, the room was amazing! I'm still not sure what my favorite part was: the rainshower shower head or the button that automatically closed the most amazing room darkening curtains ever! But we couldn't just stay in our room! On Friday night we gorged ourselves at the Paris buffet: my favs were the crepes, personal creme brulees and the mini eclairs!

Saturday I started the day the best way possible-with a massage! Derek and Kathryn got me a massage at the Flamingo as a graduation present and it was amazing! I got there a half hour early like I was supposed to and this little old German lady was showing me around their facilities, and I'm thinking-why do I care how many different kinds of steam rooms and jacuzzi's you have-I'm just getting a massage. It turns out that when you got to a spa in Vegas and get a massage, facial, whatever-you get access to all the other stuff they have to offer all day! Sweet! I only took used one of there steam rooms after the massage and didn't come back because I had some shopping to do-but had I known I would have planned my day a whole lot differently!

Saturday night we went to the MGM Grand for dinner and to see the Cirque du Soleil show KA. Dinner was pretty great, but it was the margaritas that got me into a little trouble! They were really strong and when we got to the show and the lights went down and I was sitting in my cozy chair.....well I fell asleep for a little bit! Man I'm getting old! Oh well! I did see the vast majority of the show and it was truly amazing-unlike any show I'd ever seen. I now get the hype and would highly recommend it!

Sorry no pics, sometimes what happens in Vegas......:)

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