Friday, November 13, 2009

Being tourists!

So, we're kind of stuck in Winslow today since Keith's mom is coming to visit this weekend (aren't you all jealous that you don't get to experience Winslow first hand??), we decided to take advantage of the day by checking out the local touristy stuff that we haven't done because of our dedication to getting out of the Winslow area as fast as possible!

First stop was the Homolovi Ruins State Park. If you Google map it it looks like we could just walk to it from the double wide-but nope! We have to get on the interstate to get to it-ugh Arizona. There are a number of excavated archaeological sites there. Our first stop was the Homolovi I Site that looked like it had been filled back in with sand. The only evidence that we were on a site were all the ceramic shards and obsidian flakes all over the place.

From Arizona
The Homolovi II Site was quite a bit more interesting! It has a group of five rooms in the West Plaza and a kiva in the Central Plaza have been excavated and stabilized to show the original floor plans.
From Arizona
So, then the plan was to go the the Meteor Crater, but the dropping temps, crazy strong winds and seriously ominous looking clouds convinced us otherwise!!

From Arizona
So of course that meant we had to go shopping!

From Arizona
We have driven by this tourist trap so many times that today seemed like a great time to stop and while it was just kind of junky I loved the kitschy mural!

From Arizona
Wine and chicken mole poblano waiting for me-gotta go!!

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