Sunday, November 15, 2009

A family visit

This weekend Keith's mom was in town for a very short visit, which meant we had to make the most our the weekend and as always that meant getting out of Winslow!

We made it to Flagstaff just in time to catch the Ohio State-Iowa game at the Beaver Street Brewery (may I recommend the Railhead Red and the Beaver Street pizza if you ever find yourself there!). The Buckeyes pulled out a win in overtime-yay!! By the time the game was over we could check into our hotel-the Hotel Monte Vista whose famous guests have included everyone from Clark Gable, John Wayne and Air Supply. We stayed in the Bob Hope Suite.

From Arizona
Sunday morning was frigid so we had to find something to do inside-that something was the Museum of Northern Arizona that has exhibits relating to the Museum's four main disciplines: anthropology, biology, geology, and fine art. My favorite part was the geology of the Grand Canyon-it is just amazing how many millions of years of geologic history was just walk right by!

Since it was finally above freezing when we left the museum we decided to check out the cliff dwellings at Walnut Canyon National Monument

From Arizona
The cliff dwellings were occupied from about 1100 to 1250, by the prehistoric culture Sinagua, from the old Spanish name for the region, Sierra de Sin Agua, or “mountains without water.” I think I only expected a few cliff dwellings scattered here and there, but seemed like every time I turned around there were more dwellings!
From Arizona
From Arizona
The only good thing about Winslow-its proximity to some amazing stuff!

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