Sunday, November 22, 2009

I think we got our money's worth!

Besides watching the Ohio State game this weekend, we had no idea what we were going to do, which made packing for the weekend kind of hard! Over a breakfast of pancakes and bacon (thanks Kathryn!!) Keith suggested that we dive down to Tuscon (about 4 hours away) to watch the University of Arizona vs the Oregon Ducks football game-sure why not! So after watching the good ole Buckeyes take care of Michigan, off we went.

After talking to a few scalpers (really-ALL you guys have seats on the 50 yard line-I don't think so!) we managed to get two tickets together which were actually kind of close to the 50 yard line and the seats came with something I could have done without-some of the most annoying Ducks fans in the world in front of us-with multiple obnoxious duck calls and all (see their heads below)!!

From Arizona
We were both wondering if it was worth all the money we spent on tickets to go to a game where we really didn't care-well we got our money's worth! Even though the Wildcats lost in double over time it was a really great game and having painfully annoying fans from the other team in front of us made it really easy to root for Arizona.

From Arizona
Sunday was a beautiful, sunny and warm day in Tuscon so we decided to check out Saguaro National Park-named for the thousands of Saguaro (pronounced Sa - WAH - ro) cacti in the area.

From Arizona
Keith clearly doesn't get that when you are being attacked by a giant cactus you're not supposed to smile!
From Arizona
Saguaros cacti have a relatively long life span and some live for more than 150 years. They take up to 75 years to develop a side arm-amazing!! Walking amongst these giant cacti and the many other kinds of cacti in the area, it was like being dropped into a Dr. Seuss book or walking around an abstract art gallery-each one is different and so absurdly shaped it's hard to believe that they were created by nature.

From Arizona

From Arizona
Oh! And there were petroglyphs too!

From Arizona
Well, for having no plans this weekend, I guess we were kind of busy!

1 comment:

  1. i think keith looks like he's being HUGGED by the cactus... and is LIKING it!
