Sunday, November 8, 2009

A little different kind of adventure!

This weekend instead of hiking adventures, we spent the weekend in Flagstaff a little differently than usual-babysitting a nine month old and going shooting!

We spent the weekend at Derek and Kathryn's place the way we usually do-watching football and eating delicious food that Keith made us! On Saturday night, Keith and I watched Cole so Derek and Kathryn could have a night out. Since Cole is pretty much the best and cutest baby in the whole world, there are really no horror stories!
From Arizona
I have to say babysitting is a lot more fun to do as an adult when you actually like the kid, then when you're 13 and just need a some money to go to the movies!
From Arizona
On Sunday, since the Bears were getting massacred by the Cardinals, we decided to go shooting! I had never even held a gun before-this was awesome!
From Arizona
We shot 22's, handguns, and a rifle.
From Arizona
From Arizona
Yes, I am a bad ass!

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