Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Waitomo Caving Adventure

Keith had booked us for the 5 hour Black Abyss Adventure in the one of the caves in the Waitomo Caves area through the Black Water Rafting Co. This is how it is described: Descend spider-like into the black depths of Ruakuri Cave and enjoy the best caving adventure tour on a five hour expedition that combines abseiling (rappelling) the breathtaking tomo, climbing, tight rock squeezes and cave tubing down the river into one unforgettable journey. OK-so I was nervous! Keith was reassuring stating that it would probably be like other 'adventures' we'd been on and that it would probably be full of over-weight middle aged people and that I would be fine...Keith was right-I did do fine-but I was also the only girl!
From New Zealand
We have been rappelling before and rafting and even done a little rock climbing-but not all during the same outing-oh and they forgot to mention the bit of zip lining you do as well! The bit I was most nervous about was the tight rock squeezes-but being small had it's advantages there and I was surprised that neither Keith or I felt claustrophobic at all!
From New Zealand
As we were sitting on this ledge (having tea and biscuits-how civilized!) I told Keith that I bet we have to jump off this ledge into the complete blackness below to get into the water-and guess who was right!! It was pretty amazing though! We tubbed down this river in the blackness of a cave with glowworms emitting the only light.
From New Zealand
This is what glowworms look like-only they were much brighter in the cave we were in. It's like a starry night-but with green glowing lights-it was so beautiful!
From New Zealand
We made it out in one piece! Actually we finished a little early, so we got to do a little more climbing through the cave and up waterfalls. Our guides Neil and Dougie were awesome, it was a pretty amazing adventure and I highly recommend it to anyone who makes it out here!
From New Zealand


  1. that sounds like a blast! I am glad you didn't get stuck and expire tragically. Headlines: "American housewife dies in New Zealand cave". heh heh.

  2. Since I survived maybe they'll create a new show-real housewives of New Zealand ;)
