Monday, January 11, 2010

Occupation: Housewife

We are finally here in Wellington! Actually we've been here for about 2 days but we've been too busy (and too cheap) to get on-line! I will spare you the annoying and chaotic details of our flight-all that matters is that we're here, our luggage is actually here (I was truly shocked about that!) and that so far all is well!

I've been bumming around the city, which is really beautiful but it's also been mostly chilly and rainy. There is so much to do here, I feel really guilty checking it out without Keith! This is the Civic Square in Wellington-Keith hasn't been here yet!
From Wellington

Yesterday we took a walk around the botanical garden, which can only be described as magical and beautiful! We were on a hill overlooking Wellington-so I took the first picture of us in New Zealand!
From Wellington

Keith is at his second day of orientation right now. I joined him this morning to finalize our bank account here. We had a few papers to sign and upon checking to see if the information was correct I noticed that my occupation was listed (in all caps!) as Housewife...what! how can I get this corrected?? Keith pointed out that is pretty much what I'm going to be while we're here (minus all that cooking and cleaning nonsense!)-I just like to think of myself on an extended vacation.

Generally I love it here! I love having tea all day and how nice everyone is and how easy it is to just wander around the city all day with no destination in mind-I think I should just always be on vacation-maybe I should keep my occupation as housewife ;)


  1. Hi Ellen! Gorgeous pictures of normal things and I am totally with you about the... indignation, perhaps? of having a masters degree and being listed as "HOUSEWIFE" (on our mortgage), but drinking lots of tea and being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, has a certain charm to it. Good luck with New Zealand!
