Thursday, January 14, 2010

On the road on the North Island!

Keith's orientation was officially over as of yesterday afternoon so today we left Wellington and are off to explore some of the North Island. Tonight we are crashing at a little motel (with surprisingly fast wifi) about 5 hours north of Wellington in the small town of Tauminurai.

From New Zealand

It was a very warm sunny day for our beautiful drive and we took our time stopping along the way.

From New Zealand

We stopped at an overlook for Raukawa Falls when Keith noticed at little trail that looked like it went down to the river and the falls-I did not want to go. I was hot and sweaty already and my annoyingly worried self couldn't help but think that we were leaving all our stuff for the next six months in the rental car in the random middle of no where place...then I thought-what's the point of even coming here if we don't do stuff like this, stop being so whiny and go already! so we did!

From New Zealand

The water was really cold but refreshing and even though I didn't go in as far as Keith I was really happy we stopped!

There really are an amazing amount of sheep here-every time we stopped we may not have been able to see more than a few but you could hear them! We couldn't help but wonder how long it took to photoshop all the sheep out of the sweeping landscape shots in Lord of the Rings!

From New Zealand
Tomorrow caving and rafting in the glow worm caves in Waitomo!

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