Friday, January 1, 2010

BJ: The best dog in the whole world

Tomorrow we are leaving BJ in the capable hands of Susan, Randy and Gil, who will be taking care of him while we're in New Zealand. This is by far the most difficult part of going to New Zealand for 6 months.

I've written this blog post in my head a million times, talking about what a great dog BJ is, how he's the best friend anyone could ever ask for, how's he's been there for me whenever I needed him, how we've had tons of great adventures together and how I'm going to miss him more than anything in the whole world. I started going through pictures of BJ though the past few years and I feel like they say more about how much fun we've had together than my words will.

BJ saying good morning to Josie on Christmas morning a few years ago

From BJ
BJ, full of hope on election day!

From BJ
BJ and the infamous deer

From BJ
Keith and BJ in Hell's Canyon-in one of my favorite pictures of all time!

From BJ
BJ after being tossed into the Snake River-those big brown eyes tell us he's clearly not happy about it-but he's still so cute!!

From BJ
Keith and I will miss the BeeJeers so much but know that with Susan, Randy and Gil we have nothing to worry about-besides them loving him so much they don't want to give him back!

1 comment:

  1. The Beej will miss you & Keith, but he'll be in good hands. Happy new year! Wishing you guys fabulous adventures in New Zealand!!
