Thursday, July 30, 2009

In all their glory

Here they are, all lined up.....all the shoes I am was planning to take on the road with me-I had no idea there were so many!

It started out so innocently-I just thought that I should re-waterproof spray the shoes I'm taking with me, ya know, just to keep them looking nice longer. So I went to my closet-my already very empty closet- and there are the all shoes I haven't had the heart to packed yet. I know can't take everything in my closet but I have to keep my options open!

So, I started bringing them outside-the gym shoes, the casual flats, the dressy flats, the sandals, the one pair of heels, the super comfy shoes.....11 pairs in all! Oh wait-12! My hiking boots aren't there! OK-I know I need to pare this down, but right now I look at them and know I'll need them all, ugh packing!

Oh shoes, I'm so going to miss you!
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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Set out running

Right now I feel like I am running a marathon and coming in last-OK maybe not dead last-but close! I'm sitting here working a few papers and while I'm not getting any where and it's painful staring at a mostly blank screen-I just can't pull myself away. I can see the end-it is coming up so fast! Stopping now is not an option!

What I'm hoping for is to finish earlier than expected-so I can be free to focus on other things that need my attention like packing and work (maybe I'm actually in a triathlon... :) Or maybe I should just chill, pace myself and know that everything is going to get finished in due time-yeah that's not going to happen!

Sure I ran cross country but I've always been a sprinter at heart!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Puppy on Pills

Originally uploaded by EllenIsabel
I just had to share this picture!

This is BJ at 9:30 this morning-about 12 hours after I gave him half a sedative. I figured we both needed a good night sleep-so I gave him sedative last night-even though he is on his anti-itchy meds and antibiotics-they haven't quite kicked in yet.

I guess I'd rather see him passed out then crying and itching!

Pondering a very serious question...

I'm just back from getting my haircut and I have not been able to get a certain question on my mind: Why in the world do hairdressers style your hair all crazy and poofy after you get a haircut!??!

I give the hairdresser pic of Michelle Williams-the first picture is what I got ( I can't believe I'm posting this pic!)....poofy and full of gross product-why does this always happen.

I have about 2 inches of hair now-I don't see why my hair would need a ton of product and 15 minutes of styling with a round brush. I just don't get it-the way she styled it I couldn't tell if it was even what I wanted-I don't want to waste my time going back to get it fixed-ugh!

The second pic took maybe 5 mins-including the time it took to rinse my hair out-so much better! No more ranting for today!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pills for the Pups

Originally uploaded by EllenIsabel
After two nights of no sleep for either for either BJ or me, it was time to take poor BeeJeers to the vet. BJ has been up all night crying and uncomfortable from what we now know is a skin infection.

This is my first time having to give the pups pills and man is it SO much easier than giving a cat pills! I think I could just throw the pill to BJ like it's a treat and he would be excited to eat it. It takes both Keith and I holding Josie down to get down her throat and I always feel like I'm hurting her.

The vet said that BJ was the most fit, strongest Cocker that she'd ever seen-yeah we already knew he was the best dog ever!!

The pills don't seem to be working yet, but I'm sure they will soon-hopefully we'll both be sleeping tonight!

Monday, July 20, 2009

How to Be Lovely

Instead of being a diligent and responsible student and reading my Sci Fi novel for class, I just finished How to Be Lovely: The Audrey Hepburn Way of Life by Melissa Hellstern.

book is a series of short instructional vignettes with headings like "Be genuine," "Live without regret", and "Style for life". These are followed by stories, anecdotes from Audrey's friends and quotes, mostly from Audrey herself.

From Audrey Hepburn we can learn style, dignity, grace, and of course how to be lovely.

Some of my favorite quotes:
"The most important thing is to enjoy your life-to be happy-that's all that matters."

"Living is like tearing through a museum. Not until later do you really start absorbing what you saw, thinking about it, looking it up in a book and remembering— because you can’t take it all in at once."

"Who thinks you're as fantastic as your dog does?"

"My look is attainable. Women can look like Audrey Hepburn by flipping out their hair, buying the large sunglasses, and the little sleeveless dresses." Oh Audrey, if only it was that easy!!

"It's the flowers you choose, the music you play, the smile you have waiting. I want it to be gay and cheerful, a haven in a troubled world."

" I am filled with rage at ourselves. I don't believe in collective guilt, but I do believe in collective responsibility."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy birthday!

Just home from Christine's lovely birthday dinner! She is one of the reason's leaving Portland is going to be so hard-I couldn't ask for a better friend! Or a better dinner! Ringside was awesome-great steaks, great wine, great dessert-just perfect!

Besides this was a pretty usual 'Super Homework Sunday' spent writing papers, creating flyers...So exciting

Last conversation with Husband:
Me: I thought you canceled the Blockbuster subscription
Him: No I didn't I'll email you when I do
Me: Oh, OK. By the way I think I'm going getting a pixie
Him: I don't care-as long as you don't get a buzz cut...

Oh, Husband-Don't give me ideas!....Kidding! ;)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Best girls ever!

Just home from the best bar in Multnomah Village, Journey's (geez no, they don't know me there, why do you ask....) hanging out with the best girlfriends ever ever! I am going to miss them so much!

OK-So I need to learn how to add more than one picture at a time-I'm working on it! At least I have figured out how to post pics from flickr! The girls in this pic are Shelby, Laura and myself-Charlies Angels!!

There are a few more pics that hopefully I can link to.The other pic that I wanted to post was with Christine (the other best girl ever!). I think if you click on the pic right here it will take you to the link where I have more pics-I'm learning about this too!

The pics are courtesy of Shelby Anderson

Tearing down the house

Before Keith left he took apart the guest bed and so far it is pretty much the only evidence in the house that it is in the process of being packed up!

I have a goal of packing at least one box a day and I've been such a slacker! I haven't packed a single box since Sunday-I wish this house could just pack itself. Or maybe my papers could write themselves, then I would have time to pack-or maybe I could hire movers, pay someone to write my papers and I could just lay out in sunshine sipping wine-a girl can dream!

Alright-time to wake up and live in the real world- one room (kind of) down, the whole rest of the house to go!

Monday, July 13, 2009

And so it finally begins…

Well, at least it begins for Keith-today is his first day working at the Winding Waters Clinic in Enterprise. In only a few short weeks BJ and I will be out there too! Keith says that the fun doesn’t actually begin until I get out to Enterprise-but whateves-this is my blog so I say when it starts!
This next month won’t be very exciting for me, but it will be crazy busy-I’ll be packing up the house (so sad!) , finishing up my summer semester (only one more after this!!), finishing up my time working at the Tigard Public Library and hopefully spending some time with friends before we go our separate ways.
So what I hope for this blog is to chronicle our nomadic life style for the next year or so. Keith is already in Enterprise, I’ll be there soon. On to Winslow, AZ after that and then New Zealand for six months! After that who knows: maybe we’ll stay in New Zealand, or go to Australia for a while, or come back to Enterprise, or go somewhere else entirely….only time will tell, but we plan on having a great time while we’re figuring it out! I know this is blog is pretty plain right now-but look forward to pictures, maybe videos, and more posts-coming soon!
If you are wondering-why call your blog ‘come with me, go places’? It is a line from one of my favorite songs, Go Places, from one of my favorite bands, The New Pornographers, on the awesome album Challengers. If you’re interested check them out!