Sunday, March 28, 2010

Milford Adventures!

The whole fam spent Friday at Milford Sound, although the trip there was an adventure in it self!

There were tons of places to stop on the way to Milford and we were lucky we could even get there as there had been a massive storm on Monday and the road had just opened at 10:30 Friday morning!
From New Zealand
If only I had paid attention to the signs! About 10 minutes after these pictures were taken I found myself on my knees in the wet gravel after tripping over a piece of metal sticking out of the gravel-awesome!
From New Zealand
From New Zealand
We made it to Milford in mostly one piece and although it was really cloudy, the Sound did not disappoint!
From New Zealand
Mom and I went on a Mitre Peak cruise of the sound. They have the smallest boats of the many cruise companies so they can get really close to all the waterfalls, which was fantastic! To top it off, there were only 8 other people on the cruise-perfection!!
From New Zealand
Keith, Colleen, and Randy spent their time kayaking of the sound. They were pretty easy to spot as they were they only kayakers out there!
From New Zealand
The cruise was great! It may have been cold and rainy but that meant we got 100's of waterfalls! We cruised almost all the way to the Tasmen Sea, where it finally stopped raining.
From New Zealand
From New Zealand
On the way back to land, 6 dolphins were spotted and couple got really close to the boat! Our skipper said they only see dolphins about once a week!
From New Zealand
From New Zealand
Rudyard Kipling described Milford Sound as the eighth Wonder of the World and it was recently voted the number one spot in the “101 must-do’s for Kiwis”, so hopefully you'll believe me when I say do not miss it if you ever come to New Zealand!

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