Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The times are a changing

Well, I'm not sure if you could tell, but both Keith and I have been a little down on the reality of some aspects about living here-mainly the weekdays-at least most weekends tend to be pretty awesome. But it seems like things are finally turning around.

Keith has actually been busy at work the past few days, although I'm holding my breath that this will keep up! And shockingly I have actually found something to do too! I have started volunteering at the high school library. I have to admit that I was not really looking forward to volunteering at any of the area schools, since, well, most of you know I'm not the biggest fan of children, but since teenagers don't really want anything to do with adults, this seems to work out pretty well!

Saving the best for last-we are moving!!! We looked at places today and found one that was exactly what we were looking for-rent only $20 more a week than what we're paying now, has a kitchen that is bigger than a closet and a fridge bigger than a dorm room fridge, and has a yard that will be just our yard-instead of living in someone's backyard like we are now. The house we'll be renting is actually in town, which means I'll actually be able to walk to town without my walk back being a epic climb up a mountain-yay!! I'm not going to miss living in our current place that is horribly isolating, incredibly windy, and exceptionally small-but with the fam coming next week and us going to Ranfurly the week after that we won't move until Easter-but that's soon enough!
From New Zealand

Off to Stewart Island first thing tomorrow morning!

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