Sunday, March 7, 2010

Such is life!

After a few weeks of some pretty awesome adventures, things seems to be slowing down a little bit. Well, actually a lot. This past weekend we weren't really up to anything, just a little chillaxing (I will never get tired of this word!) by Lake Wanaka and trying to go to the farmer's market in Cromwell-which we found out ended last weekend! Oh well!

We did spend some time in Ranfurly and Naseby area on Friday. Keith had a meeting at the hospital there and is going to start filling in for the one doc in town for a week every month or so. Keith has been barely working three days a week in Alex and when he's there it's usually boring and since no one seems to want my help here volunteering or otherwise, we're both getting kind of bored and are ready for a change of scenery-even if it isn't that frequent.
From New Zealand
Sorry to disappoint but next weekend will also be boring. Keith is filling in at the hospital in near by Clyde and will be actually be working all this week and weekend. Stay tuned for more adventures the next weekend when we go to Stewart Island!

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