Thursday, April 1, 2010

A few days in Ranfurly

Monday morning was a bit of mad rush. Sunday night we were saying our good byes to the family as they were getting on the road early Monday morning to drive back to Christchurch to fly back to the States. We were also up (very!) early Monday morning so we could get it Ranfurly by 8 am since Keith that was when Keith thought he had to be there to start work. Of course we were early!

Keith was filing in this week for the only doctor in Ranfurly, which meant he was on hospital call 24/7 (actually just 24/4 since we were only there for four days) and he covered the clinic-so it had the potential to get pretty crazy busy, but lucky for us it was just moderately busy.
From New Zealand
While in Ranfurly I got a chance to get up close and personal with the medical system here. After my incredibly graceful fall on the way to Milford my hand was still (and still is) really painful and the bruising on my hand was pretty gross-time for a trip to the doctor! Of course Keith is the only doc in the area, so he looked at it (for the millionth time!) and set me up with an appointment for an X-Ray. I got lucky and an X-Ray tech just happened to be in Ranfurly that day so I had my X-Ray a couples hours later. The tech thought I had a small fracture at the base of my 5th metacarpal (aka pinky), Keith agreed and I got a lovely fiberglass splint . The cost for all of this was a whopping zero dollars-doesn't socialized medicine suck! ;) Since we filed an ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) claim, my lovely spill onto the gravel was covered.
From New Zealand
This kind of hindered my plans of driving around and taking pictures of the area. Using my big camera has been a challenge and I was pretty sure I couldn't really drive with my one hand, so I was on foot. But that wasn't really a problem, Ranfurly is an adorable little town with a strong art deco theme, and it's so small it doesn't take much walking to feel like you're in the middle of nowhere!
From New Zealand
From New Zealand
The Central Otago Rail Trail goes through Ranfurly (so everyone assumed I fell off my bike on the trail-that would be such a better story!). Most people bike the rail trail and along the trail towards Ranfurly they have a collection of cute old bikes that goes along with their art deco personality.
From New Zealand

From New Zealand
I have to mention Forry's, the restaurant where I had breakfast on the last day we were there. I had be be out of the place we were staying early because the volunteer cleaning ladies were coming, so I went out for breakfast. Forry's had been recommended to me by a women working at the local museum, but I have to say it didn't look like much when I walked it. It said it had breakfast but I didn't see any menus, so I walked up and asked and found our my choices were cold breakfast (cereal and stuff) or hot breakfast (a delicious plate of sausage, bacon, toast, eggs, tomatoes and hasbrowns). I really wanted the hot breakfast but I knew I couldn't cut up and eat just about everything in the hot breakfast with my not very coordinated or strong left hard-so disappointed! So I said to the waitress: I guess I'll get the cold breakfast because I can't cut up anything. I couldn't believe what she said next! She offered to cut up everything so I could get the hot breakfast! You have got to be kidding me! People are so freaking nice here! And it was such a delicious breakfast-go to Forry's if you go to Ranfurly!

On Thursday Keith got a report back from the actual radiologist in Dunedin who said that my hand is not broken, which is good because it should heal faster. Dr. Keith says I should still wear my big splint for another week but hopefully after that the pain will have gone away! I really hope so! Just because it's not broken doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like the dickens!!

One more thing! Today it's BJ's 6th birthday! A big happy birthday to the best puppy in the world!

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