Friday, April 29, 2016

Cupid's Kids!

And so lambing and kidding season comes to an end, finally! Cupid was the final animal we were waiting on and lord, did we wait!

According to the kidding calculator I use, Cupid was expected to have her kids on April 19th. Instead she had them a full 10 days later. Last time we breed her she had her kids just about as early as possible. Apparently Randy and Cupid took their time this time, but at last we have a couple cute kids to show for it.

And this time we didn't sleep through it!

Last night Keith woke me up at about 12:30am with news that Cupid was kidding. He got out to the barn before I did, there he saw one kid already born and another on the way out. Clearly Cupid doesn't really need us there. I got out there with all our kidding supplies and started cleaning off the first kid while Cupid was tending to the second one that had just been born.


If you had asked me to put money on what Cupid was going to have this year, I would have said one giant boy. We really wanted her to have a girl to add to the De Young Dairy, but Cupid is a mean, spiteful bitch (that I love) I just knew she wouldn't have a girl because I wanted one so badly. Thankfully, I was wrong (as I always seem to be!).

Cupid did have a giant boy, but she also had a little girl!


And I mean giant! Picking them up, he clearly weighs almost double what she weighs and is so much taller than her. But she is still the star of the show.


I'm thinking I will name her Gilda. Last night I was leaning towards Bonnie, since she's such a pretty little thing, but seeing her again in the morning, with the little bit of gold around her eyes and hamming it up for the camera at less than 12 hours old, Gilda seems right.


Who knows how her coloring will change in a few months. I would have never thought Ruby would go from brown and black to reddish or that all white Snowy would end up half black after just a few months. I'm just so excited and relieved that she actually had a girl!

And yes, the boy is very cute, with his little black and white waddles and his sweet little face, but no, I haven't named him and I'm not sure that I will. I'll be looking for a new home for him as soon as we can wean him, so in about 8 weeks. Better not to get to attached.


Finally milking will start in 2 weeks and I can't wait. Milking Margo and Cupid once a day, I expect to get about gallon to a gallon and half a day. When we switch to twice a day, I think it will be more like 2 gallons, but only time will tell!

Time to go back to the barn and snuggle some babies!

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