Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Spring: bees and lambs!

This is our third year lambing and just like the past years, nothing went as expected.

Ginger, Coco, Lulu. That was the order I thought the girls would go and I only got the first one right. Ginger had her babies on the exact day we expected them-right on time! She needed a little help with her first lamb, but she took care of the second one on her own. And what cute twins!


Then we had to wait a solid seven days for the next lamb. It wasn't giant Coco, but little Lulu. Keith was home for this one and we helped little Lulu deliver her one big boy lamb. Lu dotes on her one cutie.


8 long days passed while we waited for Coco to finally lamb. A friend who raises sheep stopped by and was certain that Coco was carrying triplets, but with Coco being so huge, how could you tell?! Well she was right and we slept right through it. At least I have an excuse called a terrible cold combined with codeine cough syrup. I'm guessing she lambed around 3am and just popped out 3 little black and white lambs. You are amazing, Coco!


This brings our lamb total to 6, with 5 boys and 1 girl, which is weird. Of course this is the year we hoped to keep a girl from Lulu, but only Coco had a girl. We are also hoping to keep a girl from Cupid, but who knows what is going to happen. We still have Margo and Cupid left to have babies and that should be this weekend, so we should find out soon.


And while we're doing all of our normal lambing/kidding stuff, it is also time to add bees! Keith surprised me with a Flow Hive this Christmas. A friend and I are taking a class through Oregon State University Extension office, where we are getting hands on bee experience along with nucs to set up our own hives. We got our nucs on Sunday night and I set them up in our hive on Monday.


Like any other animal, you have to feed and water the bees. The green box on top of the brood box is full of sugar water to feed the bees until spring finally kicks into gear here. Just about everyone in our class told us not to expect honey this year, and really I have no idea why. My plan is to feed and water the bees, but the Flow super on in a few weeks and hope for the best. I guess only time will tell!

Untitled When Margo and Cupid finally lamb/kid, it will be back to milking for me and I can't wait! Until then, enjoy the sunshine!

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