Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Back in the saddle again!

Finally! Finally, finally! I am milking again.

Today is the second day of milking both girls and they are producing just how I expected. A gallon and half the past two mornings, but today went a lot smoother than yesterday did!

Yesterday was a wild whirlwind of lambs and kids screaming, two mamas screaming to get to their babies, but also REALLY wanting to be milked and the two new sheep trying to get past everyone else on to their new favorite place-the milk stand. Then Cupid is kicking off the milk machine...

It was a mess, just like always. Today was just as loud, but so much more smooth!

Untitled Cupid's giant milk bag is not a surprise, she's a milking beast. But Margo, damn girl! Her bag seems almost twice as big as last years. I don't really know how much each producing since they are milked into the same container, but I'm guessing it's Margo at 2 quarts and Cupid at 1 gallon.

Since their babies are still on them, I'm not coming close to milking them dry. I think I'm milking them about 2/3 empty, so these girls are really producing! But you've got to leave the babies some breakfast!

Second day milking

Second day milking

So far, I've made yogurt, cottage cheese and butter. It was the first butter I've made since last time Cupid was in milk, since I just didn't have the volume to make it last year and still make cheese, but this year I expect to be using Sputnik the cream separator all the time!

Second day milking

The babies are going getting bigger everyday! It took about a week but the lambs and kids are finally starting to play together. I think it took so long because the lambs are justifiably terrified of getting near Cupid. I feel the same way some times!


In other news, the new girls, Maisie and Daisy are still not sheared-ugh! It is so hard to find someone to shear just a few sheep.

But they are learning all about the milk stand. Maisie figured it out on her second try! Give this girl some alfalfa pellets and she'll follow you anywhere! But, Daisy, she just doesn't get it. She's the more skittish of the two and just wants to run away from me. Unfortunately for her, in such a small space she's pretty easy to catch and I have lots of experience lifting sheep on to the milk stand. Either she'll figure it out eventually or I'll just get really strong.


I hope tomorrow goes as well as today did!

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