Saturday, August 24, 2013

Engulfed by the garden

Where has the summer gone!? It feels like just last week I was planning the summer garden, now I'm overwhelmed by it.

With Keith's sister Michelle here for most of the summer, I was worried that what I had planned in the garden wouldn't be enough for three people. I did not take two things into consideration 1) We have all the raised beds completed and ready to go for the summer and 2) Michelle wasn't actually here all summer! Crap! I may have over done things a bit.

While picking green beans, I was thinking that this was the year of the Great Green Bean Explosion, but that is not quite right. It is actually the August of the Great green bean, snap pea, snow pea, carrot, broccoli, beet, turnip, onion, pepper, eggplant, zucchini Explosion.

It is looking like it's going to be the September of the Great tomato, melon, winter squash, rutabaga, parsnips, kohlrabi, plus everything listed above Explosion. To deal with this I have already ripped out 2 zucchini plants (mental note 6 summer squash/zucchini plants are about 4 TOO MANY!). These are from just one day...

But I am loving that we have had all the raised beds up and going this year! The garden as a whole is looking beautiful! We even have our drip system set up in all the beds, which means I do not have hand water any of this! Love it! Love it! Love it!


The greenhouse is a bit of a jungle. I'd better stay my small self to ensure that I can actually move around in there!


Right now, I am learning that maybe 15 winer squash plants are a few too many, same with a dozen melon plants. Maybe I don't need a whole row of eggplant plants, but maybe I do! We'll see how this all ends! I see a lot of drying, freezing and generally a lot of preservation in my future.


Now is the time for a few introductions. We have two new kids (goat kids, people!)-Franny and Snowy. And then there's Meatball, our lamb that will only be with us until October, if you get my drift.

This is Snowy. It's hard to get a shot of her since she is ALWAYS licking my legs, or really anyones legs.

Franny, full name Francis De Young, striking a pose.

And Meatball, just being adorably funny looking.

And just in case you can only think of Bear as the adorable puppy that he was, here is now and the goofy, adorable one year old that he is now.

So, who wants to come over for dinner?

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