Monday, September 2, 2013

Holy Jalapenos!

While my tomatoes are taking their sweet time getting ripe, I have been inundated with an insane number of peppers. My jalapeno plants look like they're about to fall over with the weight of all their peppers. I was hoping to be making tons of salsa, but with 5 times more peppers than tomatoes, I had to figure something else out.

Then Keith has a suggestion: Pickle them!

I do not like anything pickled, not a single thing. But, sure, why not! I've never really tried to pickle anything before. So I find this recipe online for Escabeche or the pickled jalapenos you sometimes get a Mexican restaurants and got to harvesting all the ingredients.

I pulled out a bunch of fresh carrots and had some onions and garlic ready to go. I chopped all them to the tune of Bear and BJ crunching on the carrot ends.


I thought harvesting all the jalapenos for this would put a dent in the thick bush of peppers. After picking 32 of them (more than the 1 lb the recipe calls for!), I can say, nope, not even close!


I just followed the instructions. Fried up the veg, then added apple cider vinegar with all the spices. It was a pretty fast and easy canning day!



Keith better freaking love these! We've got 6 jars of this and the whole house, including me, smells spicy and vinegary!


With the number of Anchos, Anaheim's, and jalapenos I still have, I think a chile sauce like this is going to be next-but at least quadrupled!!

See what you've stared Yutoku!

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