Thursday, March 21, 2013

Make way for ducklings!

First, I would like to apologize for the last post: it was a glitch, a fluke, an accident. And it was about 3 times longer, with a bunch more pictures and such, but somehow all that disappeared. Basically it was wallpaper, blah, blah, wallpaper. If you want to see any pictures, there are all in the flickr photo-stream on the right.

We just keep getting more creatures! This time in addition to a few more baby chicks, we've gotten ducklings. Chicks are cute, but really, ducklings are so much cuter-and bigger! than baby chicks!

When I left Chicks Days at Grain Growers, I thought I had 4 Pekin ducks, 2 Rouens, and 2 I have no ideas. They had ordered a random assortment of ducklings, so even the folks at Grain Growers weren't too sure what they had. After doing a little research I think I actually have 2 Rouens, 2 Pekins, 2 Buffs, a Blue Swedish and either a Welsh Harlequin or a third Buff. So that's not bad right, I'm really only uncertain about one of them... we'll see in time!


So what, you ask, are we going to do with these ducklings. Mostly keep them for eggs. The eggs are larger than chicken eggs and ohh! they make delicious, rich cakes!

We also got a few more chicks. Most of this little ladies are white egg layers (Leghorns) and two more Americanas, who lay green eggs.


We already have 2 Americanas and they have not laid an egg all winter. About a week ago, they started laying again. At that point I realized something unexpected: I had just painted the kitchen Americana egg green, subconsciously? I have no idea!


And just for fun, here is Bear and Fang taking a nap at the side door. Happy Spring!

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