Monday, July 18, 2011


Finally, finally, finally! We own the house on Stockton Rd...but we sadly, we still don't live there. After a week of appointments and signing a massive mountain of papers, it's all official. We aren't moving in until August 11th (ish), but we can be in the yard as much as we want as of last Friday-so if you're looking for me, I'm probably there!

Sunday Keith and I went over to the house with a weed wacker, a rototiller, and every other piece of garden equipment we could think to bring. We got a beautiful day to enjoy our future view!

The garden space can only be described as a hot mess! With weeds just about as tall am me, we were in for a ton of work ahead of us. With the magic of big tools the garden was transformed in no time (or about 6 hours).

The hot mess:

Look! We can see the ground!

We got a little further than we expected and I even got to plant a few seeds and BJ was there to help.

I was there again today working and will be there again tomorrow and the next day....

And in chicken news: We are getting about 3 eggs a day now! We've only gotten one regular sized egg so far, but the tiny eggs are still edible and delicious!

So when are you coming to visit!?!?

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