Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The first egg!

I just came running and screaming into the house-I just could not believe my eyes! There were two very small brown eggs in the coop!

This is not supposed to happen yet! Everything we've read has said that chickens will start laying eggs between 20-24 weeks old. Ours are exactly 15 weeks old. I am really hoping that this means that we have a few over-achievers in our group!

Which chick laid these eggs? We have no idea. Will this mean that we'll be getting eggs regularly now-I really hope so! These are very small eggs, which is normal since it they're just starting out. In the pic below the small, light brown egg was laid by one of our hens and the large speckled brown one was from the grocery store-hopefully ours will get that big eventually!

We took one egg and left the other-so they keep laying in the same place. But now I'm wondering if we should take a look under the deck, since that is where they spend most of their time during the day-I'll have to check it out!

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