Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Out and about!

What a beautiful day! After days, weeks, months, (years?) of long cold, cloudy, snowy and rainy days -the sun is finally out today! What else is there to do on a beautiful Tuesday but let the chickens out to play and clean the coop.

The question for the chickens was should they or shouldn't they. It took them a while to decide if they should leave the safety of the coop.

One flew out, then scrambled back up the chicken wire. I didn't realize this was possible and it was pretty impressive to watch!

Once they were out, they were out running and flying around!

BJ had to get into the action and say hi to all the chickens. They didn't seem to mind getting their butts sniffed at all! BJ was very curious, but very cautious and I was very impressed!

As you may have noticed, these ain't chicks any more! We know that we have one rooster-a black Australorp. The big question is what in the world are the crested ones!?! We have no idea. The bigger they get the more they look a like, we really have no clue!


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