Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Greenhouse Effect

Oh, Memorial Day, the start of summer. Is it ever actually nice out on Memorial day weekend? Here, it has been a rain/snow/hail kind of weekend. I have been told by a number of people that planting anything outside before June 1st is a terrible idea. I thought they were pulling the newbie's leg, but now I am a believer!

Fortunately (for many reasons!) we are moving this summer and I had already deceided not to plant anything in our massive (at least an acre) outdoor garden space, but I have been planting as much variety as humanly possible in our section of the greenhouse.

While it's been frigid outside, the greenhouse has been producing! I think a greenhouse here is worth its weight in veggies! So far this is what is planted in my section of the greenhouse: kale-that has been producing for months, it's really amazing!, sugar pumpkins (hopefully for brewing a pumpkin beer!), 2 kinds of summer squash, broccoli, beets, carrots, green beans, (at least) 4 kinds of lettuce, spinach, arugula, leeks, 4 kinds of tomatoes, and in planters that will be taking with us when we move: more tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and and eggplant. Wow, that seems like a lot! I've planted pretty much everything 'too early'-but clearly it wasn't too early because everything is alive and growing! I guess a pro on not knowing what I'm doing is that I have no rules to live by!

I am most excited about the green beans. Oh, my little green beans! I am thinking that by the time we get back from our kayaking trip, we will actually have some to eat! I only wish I had started more, but I will be starting some to plant outside in our garden when we move. (I want to move right now!)

I am second most excited about all the greens. In this row I have romaine lettuce, red lettuce, and little baby winter density lettuce. I also have little baby spinach and tango (a curly leafed) lettuce right next to them.

As I said, I really don't know what I'm doing, but that makes everything more fun. What I have learned so far is to water everything more that you think they need and to just try whatever you want-because really it's just veggies, not rocket science! And I am jealous of you Midwesterners! With all of your thunderstorms and tornados-at least you could grow all of everything I'm growing in the greenhouse outside with less work or worry!

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